"Good hair is healthy hair"

Hair Tips

 The reason why us natural Gals seem to need a trim more often while wearing our hair in the natural state (no silkening/press in this instance), is because our curls, waves, or kinks don’t allow the oils from our scalp to reach the ends of the hair shaft, causing it to become brittle, weak, and to split.


 If hair is damaged, you cannot reconstruct it. You can “make it look” better or camouflage it for the moment, but you’ll have to cut it off to grow healthier strands.




*Humidity block (with consistent training)

*Balances Ph levels





    Components of hair growth:

    *Moisture, which increases elasticity

    *Protein which strengthens

    * Proper diet

    *Proper exercise

    *Necessary rest

    *Proper hair maintenance

    *A clean scalp


    With natural hair, less is more.  You’ll want to steer clear of heavy and oily products that’ll weigh your hair down.  The moisture that you’re constantly building will give your strands a natural shine.

    Avoid products with beeswax, lanolin, and petroleum.  They just coat the hair, leaving a heavy residue.

    Use a 100% boar bristle brush, its softer and causes less damage and static. Wash your combs and brushes weekly!

     Begin combing your hair from the bottom up to remove the tangles. This helps reduce damage and breakage.

     I know hot water feels amazing on your scalp, but it can cause more dryness and itchiness. Instead use warm water and rinse with cool water (it also adds a natural shine)

    Don’t keep weave in your hair longer than 8 weeks. After this is usually when damage occur and matting of the hair.

    Treat your weave as you would your own hair. Shampoo often and be sure that your braids are completely dry. If they aren’t, mold can develop and breakage can occur due the wet weak hair holding on to the track(s) of hair.

    Weave should look as natural as possible.